Sunday, January 01, 2006

Colors of the new year

What will be the colors of the new year?
What subtle shades and tints of colors will we miss by taking things for granted? By assuming we've seen it all before, we so often miss the spectacular events and feastings for the senses that surround us each day. The sky holds more beauty and grandeur in a single moment than we can usually grasp.
But so often I hear my children say they are bored! When I hear that I just want to say, "go outside, and don't come back in until you have seen and counted 10 shades of green!"
Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the scenes that play out around me each day. I want to stop and stay for awhile and soak it all in, but the necessities of life call me inside and away, and deep in my heart I quietly grieve the loss.
But I think that I'm beginning to learn about looking for all the subtle shades and tints of the colors of life -- finally. Personalities, relationships, circumstances, events, routines -- they all make up the tapestry of my life. Do they not each have a color -- or many colors -- that I can see as important and beautiful in their own way? And as they all are interwoven by the hand of my Creator, do they not help make me who I am meant to be?
So what will be the colors of the new year? and will I see them and appreciate them the way I should?
By God's good grace. Posted by Picasa

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