Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Idleness or rest?

"The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest."
-Albert Einstein
I love this quote. It says so much with so few words.
It also speaks to me personally about the way I spend my time and use my mind. It caught my attention tonight primarily because of the word 'rest' -- something of which I am sorely in need -- I am exhausted right now precisely because neither my mind nor my body has had much rest lately. I burn the candle at both ends most days, getting up early because I don't have a choice, and going to bed too late because my mind doesn't shut down unless I force it. There are nights that I could probably go to bed earlier than I do because the work I'm doing is not necessary, or can wait for another time, but I'm enjoying it too much to stop. When my time is my own I'm never bored. There's more to do and learn about in this life than there is lifetime in which to do it. But I keep trying. And when the time comes that I finally shut it down and crawl into the bed, nothing has ever felt sweeter than when I close my eyes and allow (because sometimes it isn't allowed -- like during faculty meetings at the end of a school day, or when I'm driving home) the waves of slumber to wash over me and carry me off to the land of dreams.
But there is also waking rest that comes when I break from the routine and do something I love to do but don't get to do very often. And there is the rest that comes from taking on the light yoke of Christ and casting my heavy burdens on Him. Also, letting the peace of Christ rule in my heart.
There are more, but these are things that come immediately to mind as I read this quote from Einstein -- a man who probably never had an idle moment in his life.
I don't have any desire to be idle, but I do desire to learn more about rest.
I think I'll go study it right now. . . . Posted by Picasa


Claire said...

Hi Rosanne!
Your post here reminded me of the Dan Fogelberg song "Along the Road" which I happened to be listening to this last week from that tape you made me back in '95 (ancient history!)Here are the lyrics for your appreciation. Take care, friend.

Joy at the start
Fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart
Gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road.

Along the road
Your path may wander
A pilgrim’s faith may fail
Absence makes the heart grow stronger
Darkness obscures the trail.

Cursing the quest
Courting disaster
Measureless nights forebode
Moments of rest
Glimpses of laughter
Are treasured along the road.

Along the road
Your steps may tumble
Your thoughts may start to stray
But through it all a heart held humble
Levels and lights your way.

Joy at the start
Fear in the journey
Joy in the coming home
A part of the heart
Gets lost in the learning
Somewhere along the road

rosanne h said...

Wow -- what a treasure to find your comment tonight! You typed all that out for moi? Thank you -- Thank you!